Thursday, 22 January 2015

The Meridian at Light House Point

Yesterday we were hobnobbing with the rich and famous.  We hiked up to the Meridian a short walk from our B&B to see if we could rent some kayaks and do some snorkeling.  It is a private condo resort that is not complete yet and the restaurant is open to the public.  We figured is we bought a beer or two they would let us hang out for the afternoon on their beach chairs.  We were right!  It's a perfect place to be when the cruise ships are in port.  Their were only a few people there and their beach chairs are in the shade if you want them to be.  

 The bay out front is very shallow and full of coral so we were a little nervous about doing some snorkeling.  So we decided to rent a kayak to see if we could find a safe passage out to the reef.

This is the view around the point looking back onto West Bay.  We had managed to snorkel from the beach to this rock the other day but the winds picked up so we went back in.  The winds have shifted and the bay was now calm again.

The rock looks very different from water level, it kind of blends right into the rocks on shore and you almost miss it until you have passed it and look back to shore.

The water appeared very clear today and we could see down to the coral but there did not appear to be any fish.

So we decided that we could manage a snorkel and come back and see what there was to see.

The Sun was shining so the coral was a lot brighter than it had been and viability was much better.  There were lots of fish and different formations of rock with amazing crevasses.  Today you could actually see the edge of the reef where the big drop off was.  We snorkeled almost all the way to the big rock and back.  We managed to get back to shore with Bill only getting one scrape on his calf.  It looked nasty until we cleaned it with alcohol swabs and put polysporn on it.  We spent about 5 hours here, relaxing and enjoying the cold beer.  If we had a spare 500k and nothing else to spend it on this would be a great place to relax.  But for now $40 was all we needed to enjoy a great afternoon. They even have a fresh water shower on the beach to rinse off after you get out of the saltwater.  

 The little waitress at the restaurant has a thing for Bill and is attempting to teach him how to speak Spanish.  We have learned a few more words and it's been entertaining.  His new name in Spanish is Pedro because she didn't now a translation for Bill.

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