Thursday, 7 February 2013

The Itinerary

After a lot of research we decided on a 4 week trip to South America to celebrate my 50th birthday.  The only criteria I had when we began our research was the destination had to have "GOOD RED WINE".   So south east Asia was out and Europe was too cold so that narrowed our search to South America.  We contemplated Brazil because Bill also wanted to do an Amazon tour but the 4 weeks did not allow us to include this leg so that will have to wait for another trip.  We managed to get 3 countries into this trip including a trek to Machu Picchu.  

We land in Buenos Aires and stay in the city for 5 days.  While we are there it is South America's carnival celebrations so the city will be so much fun.  I hired a travel agent off the Internet (trip advisor) and she has been great in setting up all of our activities and accommodation in B.A.  We are staying in a studio apartment in the Palemo Soho neighbourhood.  We start the week off by doing a city walking tour and then the most important Wine tasting in a private wine tasting venue. We are also doing a Tango dinner show, a soccer (futbal)game, and some leather shopping.  

The next stop is  Iquazu Falls located up on the small sliver of land north of B.A on the Brazil boarder.  These falls are suppose to be spectacular.

Then we are off to Mendoza which is Argentina's wine country.  7 days in paradise.  It's all about wine this week and what ever else we can find to do.  Relax maybe?

We then are taking an Argentina bus from Mendoza across the Andres mountains and into Valpariso Chile.  Trent's friend Jay lost count of the switch backs on this road but said it was a great ride.  Should be fun.

We spend 2 days in Valpariso which is located on the pacific coast doing more wine touring.  Yippee, I can't wait.

Then we are off to Santiago for a few days before we fly to Cusco to start our Machu Picchu tour.

We are on tour for 7 days with Gadventure tours.  1 day in the sacred valley, four days hiking and sleeping in a tent and a couple days on either end in Cusco.  

Our final two days are in Lima before we fly home.

That's it in a nut shell, I will give you more details and the adventure unfolds.  


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